Articles Tagged with property law

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In February 2023, Silverman Thompson initiated an action in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County on behalf of its client, a 105-year-old World War II Veteran.  

As alleged in the lawsuit, Silverman Thompson’s client had lived in the same home since 1960, which had been owned by his parents.  Following his father’s death in 1971 (the second of his parents to pass), Silverman Thompson’s client was appointed personal representative of his father’s estate and, under Maryland’s laws of intestacy, was to deed ownership of the home to himself and his five siblings.   

No such deed, however, was ever prepared.  In the decades that followed, all five siblings themselves passed away, while Silverman Thompson’s client continued to live in the home and pay all property taxes, insurance, and utilities.  However, in August 2022 (six weeks after the death of the last of five siblings), one of Silverman Thompson’s client’s nieces sought to re-open the father’s estate, all in an effort to allow legal title of the home to pass to her and certain of her cousins.  Silverman Thompson thus asked the Circuit Court to quiet title alleging, in relevant part, that its client’s five now-deceased siblings all abandoned their equitable interest in the home in the decades following their father’s death. 

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How can you register a rental property in Baltimore City? Effective January 1, 2019, all non-owner-occupied dwelling units, regardless of whether it is a single-family or multi-family dwelling, must be licensed and registered in Baltimore City.

What are the steps to receive a rental license from the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)?

  • The Property must be registered with DHCD.
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How do you remove a squatter in Maryland? When an empty residential unit or vacant buildings become occupied by a person other than an authorized tenant, they are often referred to as a squatter. Squatter law in Maryland does not allow you to remove the unauthorized person without utilizing the legal process.

What is a squatter?

 A squatter is person who has taken physical possession of real property that they do not own, and who has not signed a lease or paid rent for the property. If a person refuses to leave the request of the property owner, they are considered a squatter and may be removed through filing a Complaint for Wrongful Detainer in the District Courts of Maryland.

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